UI/UX Designer
Mobile IOS

Live score is an ios app for following football competitions, teams and matches. With a clean minimal interface and a well structured navigation, the app makes it easy for users to view relevant in-play stats, commentary and standings.

Visual Design

Neutral and refreshing.

The app uses ios typography including scale and the native San Francisco font. The app has a clean and minimal style helping the content to be the main focus. The colour scheme used is very neutral allowing the competition and team views to use their own branding.



Easy to search and navigate.

I mapped out the overall app site map and common task flows then focussed on organising each individual section into a logical structure.

I sketched out each view before continuing to create wireframes in sketch for review and refinement with product owners.

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High fidelity templates

After wireframes were refined and signed off I created 36 high fidelity templates in sketch. Templates were organised in a modular way using atomic design principles. The final deliverables included examples of several competitions and component states for development.
